Title tag and Meta Description Length Limits for Popular Search Engines

Some blogger using many words in a title and descriptions. That is totally wrong. Because search engines allows you to use specific number of characters in title as well as descriptions. This is one of the most important article for the starter bloggers. In this post I have mentioned that maximum number of character limit of title tag and meta description tag of popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc., For Every blogger knows that when you comes to search engine optimization, title and descriptions are more important.

Title tag and Meta descriptions are important Search engine optimization technique. So, if you avoid title tag and Meta description, search engine will avoid your website.

Below I mentioned length limits of title tag and meta description.

Title Tag and Meta Description Length Limits.

Google Search engine
-Maximum character limits for title tag == 69 Characters including spaces.
-Maximum character limits for Meta description tag == 156 Characters including spaces.

Bing Search engine
-Maximum character limits for title tag == 65 Characters including spaces.
-Maximum character limits for Meta description tag == 150 Characters including spaces.

Yahoo Search engine
-Maximum character limits for title tag == 72 Characters including spaces.
-Maximum character limits for Meta description tag == 161 Characters including spaces.

All the best!


  1. search engine optimization Memphis (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website by using tags and verbiage within the site.

  2. Interactive one. I felt that you are sitting beside me and guiding me in my work.

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